Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, 'Meet Me in St. Louis'. 布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。
Fontbonne is a liberal arts college, located in a residential suburb of St. Louis. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。
Mary Jo Gorman is a medical doctor in St. Louis, but she would fit right in at a software startup in Silicon Valley. 玛丽•乔•戈尔曼是圣路易斯的一名医生,不过如果让她去硅谷的初创软件公司工作,也一点儿没问题。
Selk was director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2006, when the team won its first World Series in 20 years, as well as in 2011, when the Cardinals won it again. 赛尔克在2006年曾担任圣路易斯红雀队(theSt.LouisCardinals)的心理训练总监,这一年红雀队20年来首次赢得棒球大联盟(WorldSeries)冠军,2011年该队再获冠军。
According to a recent paper by researchers at USC, Washington University in St. Louis, Singapore Management University and the University of Miami, it depends on if the apology is good enough. 根据最近南加州大学,圣路易斯华盛顿大学,新加坡管理学院和迈阿密大学的研究,道歉究竟有没有用要依据道歉到底够不够好。
St. Louis has been spending millions of dollars on urban renewal even as the crime rate climbs. 在犯罪率攀升的同时,该市也在城市市容翻新改造上投入了不少银子。
I joined a firm in St. Louis and learned that the company had seven other employees come and go in the past year, says Sarah, a public relations executive. What's worse is that it was only a five-person operation. 公关主管Sarah说:我在一家圣路易斯的公司工作过,发现公司在去年有七名员工加入和辞职,更糟糕的是,公司总共只是五个人在经营。
Interest is also high at Fleming Pharmaceuticals, a St. Louis County company that makes potassium iodide in liquid form. 圣路易斯县的一家制药公司也出现了抢购狂潮,这里卖的是液态碘化钾。
Not at all, according to researchers at Washington University in St. Louis. 据华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校的研究人员透露:事实并非如此。
She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. 她告诉他,她来自圣路易斯,只是路过这里。
The morning after a St. Louis County grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, the country awoke Tuesday to learn that about two dozen buildings had burned in Ferguson, Mo., during a chaotic night. 周一,圣路易斯县陪审团决定不对迈克尔布朗枪击案中的开枪警官达伦威尔森提出指控。第二天早晨,刚刚经历一个混乱之夜的密歇里州弗格森镇在24栋楼被烧的火光中醒来。
His was Richard Shank, from St. Louis, Missouri. 他是来自密苏里州圣路易斯的理查德尚克。
After that meeting, Mr. Schultz decided to hold similar forums in Oakland, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Chicago and New York. 会后,舒尔茨决定在奥克兰、洛杉矶、圣路易斯、芝加哥和纽约举行类似的论坛。
However, medium-size cities like St. Louis, Rochester and, in Florida, St. Petersburg are emerging as regional destinations. 可是,一些中等规模的城市比如圣路易斯、罗契斯特市、佛罗里达州的圣彼得斯堡市纷纷涌现出来,成为区域性的热门旅游城市。
The family moved frequently within the dioceses of St. Louis and Cincinnati. 洛克伍德一家在圣路易斯和辛辛那提的教区之间频繁搬家。
Katie Duggan, a dietitian at St. Louis University School of Public Health, says that teaching people to make small changes is often the only way to bring about results. 来自圣路易斯大学公共健康学院的营养师凯特杜根说,教导人们去做一点点改变,这才是得到大收获的不二法则。
He and other researchers, such as those at Washington University in St. Louis, are trying to create channels in muscle tissue that can deliver the nutrients the muscle needs. 他和其他研究人员(比如华盛顿大学路易斯分校(WashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis)的研究人员)正在想办法在肌肉组织中开辟出能够输送肌肉所需营养物质的通道。
Eventually, a complaint reached St. Louis County authorities, who shut down Stenseng's day care in January and revoked her license in April. 最后,有人向圣路易斯县有关监督部门投诉,监督部门1月取缔了斯坦森的托儿所,4月吊销了她的执照。
In July, Patriot Coal Corp. of St. Louis filed for bankruptcy protection, shortly after it lost a contract for coal bound for an Asian steelmaker. 今年7月,圣路易斯的PatriotCoalCorp.申请破产保护。之前不久,该公司丢掉了一份向亚洲一家钢铁企业供应煤炭的合同。
A friend of mine who teachs European history at Washington University in St. Louis tell about the time he spotted a plagiarized term paper. 我有个朋友在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学教欧洲历史,他说有一次他发现了一篇抄袭的学期论文。
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper has identified the dead man as 18-year-old Antonio Martin. 圣路易斯邮报确定死者是18岁的安东尼奥?马丁。
President will make his case for his$ 1.6 trillion tax cut plan, delivering a speech at a community center in St. Louis. 布什总统将在圣路易斯社区中心发表讲话,阐明他的减税1.6万亿美元的计划。
New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company 纽约-芝加哥-圣路易铁路公司
Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis were surrounded by a huge crowd of shouting, crying, joyful people. 林德伯格和圣路易斯之神就被欢呼和呐喊的巨大人群给包围了。
It is said there's a cool breeze this evening. In St. Louis, Missouri, it's cool and windy. 今天傍晚将有一阵凉风。密苏里州的圣路易斯市凉爽,有风。
The enemy have designs upon this island. In St. Louis, Missouri, it's cool and windy. 敌人图谋夺取这个岛。密苏里州的圣路易斯市凉爽,有风。
Salt Lake City, Denver, and St. Louis. 盐湖城、丹佛和圣路易斯转车。
Trade-unions began to appear, first along the seaboard, then at such interior points as Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 工会渐渐出现,起初循沿海岸,然后在象布法罗、匹兹堡、辛辛那提和圣路易这些内地城市展开。